Friday, July 28, 2006

Vacation. Sort of.

I've been off all week and will be heading to the new job on Monday. Sadly, this was not much of a vacation because of the puppy. Anybody out there thinking of getting a puppy ask yourself this: Am I ready for kids? Cause that's basically what it is. He's a baby. I love him, but he's a lot of work. Anyway.

I'm going to try and get out for a few hours today to get some new clothes. I talked to my friend at the old work place and she told me that my old boss is pissed with me. I really don't care what that bitch thinks but I STILL have not received my last paycheque and this better not turn into a fight. Ugh. I don't have it in me. I just want to move on and forget I even worked there.

That's it for now - I have one ear on the sleeping dog and he hasn't pooped yet this morning so I'd better get back downstairs with him.

Office Girl.

Monday, July 17, 2006


Things have been a little crazy since my last update. I got the job (they called my house a half hour after I left the second interview and offered it to me), the next day I quit and my boss tried to bully me into giving her 2 weeks, insisting that it was in my contract. It is not in my contract and I suggested to her that she look into these things before bringing them up. So I provided a resignation letter, giving 2 weeks, but then letting them know that I will be using my vacation time for the last week. Oh wait, did I say I let them know? Yeah, I might have forgotten that little detail. I’m not showing up next week. Got a problem with that? Check the contract bitch, I don’t owe you shit.

We picked up our puppy over the weekend. Little Charlie is adorable but not sleeping through the night so my husband and I are sleep deprived. He’s lucky he’s so cute. Oh, and the housebreaking is going exceptionally well. Only one little pee-pee accident.

And what else? Well, I guess that about covers it. I’m going to enjoy a nice week off and then start what I hope is going to be a very rewarding and fun job. I’m so happy to be getting out of here. Things are pretty bad today. My boss is in one of her bitchy moods. I am trying not to explode. The fact that I don’t care anymore and would NEVER use her as a reference doesn’t help. She wouldn’t get it anyway. Even if I told her what an idiot and an asshole she is, she would find some way to turn it around and convince herself that I didn’t know what I was talking about.

Assholes – you just can’t win with them. Better just to get the hell away from them before they poison your life.

Office Girl.

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The Call Back

They've called me in for a second interview. Now hopefully, this means that this will be a formal offer with a bit more explanation of the job, but we'll see. Just as I was dreading the thought of having to remain here in this office wasteland, I get a reprieve. I am having a good day today!

Things around here are shitty as usual. The summer students have finally come to me and told me that they also hate my boss. I've been waiting for this day.

Anyway, hopefully after tomorrow I will be saying a big "Fuck You" to my boss and marching off for a bit of a break and then a brand new job. I'll keep you posted.

Office Girl.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Insect Euthanasia

I had my interview. I think it went pretty well. They asked me for my references right away and thankfully I had remembered to bring them to the interview. The woman who interviewed me was the VP of the department and seemed a little uptight and perhaps slightly unstable but I figure you don’t get into positions like hers without those attributes. Anyways, it’s a big office, unlike where I work now, so you don’t get stuck with the same asshole breathing down your neck everyday.

I find out if I get the job tomorrow. The shit is going to hit the fan here when I quit. I figure I will give them a week. They screwed me over with my contract so I’m not going to give them the courtesy of two weeks. I never planned on using my boss as a reference anyways. She (as you have been reading) is not only the most incompetent manager I have ever worked for, but the woman couldn’t even say a nice thing about Mother Theresa – she’s that much of a negative bitch. Even if I had left on good terms she would be cutting me to shreds behind my back within minutes (if she isn’t doing so already).

I can’t wait to get out of here. Even the people I liked before are starting to get on my nerves. Maybe I’m just in a bad mood today. Normally, I go for lunch with a couple of the girls whom I get on with quite well. Today they “forgot to call me” so I went to the cafeteria to eat with some other people (one of whom is known to bring tripe for lunch on occasion which stinks worse than death and also eats with his mouth open and slurps his drinks). After I ate I headed back and found the girls eating their lunch in one of cubicles.

“Oh we called you” one of them said. I really didn’t care, I mean, it was kind of annoying but I was trying to find them to see if they were going to go for a walk. Their reason for not coming to the cafeteria for lunch was because they were worried about one of the managers who was feeling light headed. He is diabetic. When I asked where he was, they told me he had left. Okay. So why are they eating lunch in the office then? Then I asked one of them if he was okay. She informed me that they had given him a Diet Coke because his sugar was crashing.

“There’s no sugar in Diet Coke”. I said.

“Yeah, that’s why it’s good for diabetics” she told me.

(Insert drunken trombone sound effect.)

This is what it is: I don’t hate these people; I am annoyed by the fact that they really are pretty dumb. The whole lot of them. Also, the girls are really emotional and whenever someone is telling a story they always say “Aw”, even when “aw” does not apply.

For example:

“I have to get this report done by the end of the week”

“Aw” one of the girls.

Aw what? There is nothing sad or cute about the fact that I have to write a report. You are just in the habit of vapidly making noises and faces when words come out of other people’s mouths. Just stop.

Or they say things like “Ew, I love that!”

Alright, enough girl bashing. So we went out for the walk. One of the younger tech guys came out with us and while we were standing around the door talking just before we came in, he stepped on an ant. He didn’t kill it though, just maimed it. I asked him why the hell he thought he needed to kill a bug. He laughed. Then he watched it stumble around. So I stepped on it.

“What the fuck, I thought you were all like ‘Don’t kill bugs’” he said to me.

“You were causing it to suffer. I ended the suffering.”

Everyone laughed, then made more jokes about me being a bug-killer.

What a bunch of idiots. Please get me out of here.

Office Girl

Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Horoscope is Always Right

How did I go from a university student living at home to having a husband and a house in the suburbs?

Life is strange.

I never expected any of it. Now I am taking care of a house, two cats, a husband and, in two weeks time, a new puppy. Yes. I finally caved to my husband. He has been begging for a dog. We drove an hour and a half last week to look at some Chocolate Labs and of course how could I resist them? I also have a job interview on Tuesday which I have a good feeling about. My horoscope has been predicting these huge changes all at once for weeks now. Actually, I think horoscopes are bullshit but for some reason I have been reading mine. Anyway, I suppose we'll manage. Other people have a lot more going on in their lives than animals and laundry.

As a result of this extra stress, I have decided to treat myself to shopping. I am off to the mall.

Oh, Happy Canada Day by the way. We're over-taxed and lacking in any real identity save for beer and maple syrop but hell, as my grandfather used to say: "It's a good country." I wouldn't live anywhere alse in the world.

Except maybe Sweden. Sweden looks nice.

Office Girl.