Friday, July 28, 2006

Vacation. Sort of.

I've been off all week and will be heading to the new job on Monday. Sadly, this was not much of a vacation because of the puppy. Anybody out there thinking of getting a puppy ask yourself this: Am I ready for kids? Cause that's basically what it is. He's a baby. I love him, but he's a lot of work. Anyway.

I'm going to try and get out for a few hours today to get some new clothes. I talked to my friend at the old work place and she told me that my old boss is pissed with me. I really don't care what that bitch thinks but I STILL have not received my last paycheque and this better not turn into a fight. Ugh. I don't have it in me. I just want to move on and forget I even worked there.

That's it for now - I have one ear on the sleeping dog and he hasn't pooped yet this morning so I'd better get back downstairs with him.

Office Girl.


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