Sunday, July 02, 2006

My Horoscope is Always Right

How did I go from a university student living at home to having a husband and a house in the suburbs?

Life is strange.

I never expected any of it. Now I am taking care of a house, two cats, a husband and, in two weeks time, a new puppy. Yes. I finally caved to my husband. He has been begging for a dog. We drove an hour and a half last week to look at some Chocolate Labs and of course how could I resist them? I also have a job interview on Tuesday which I have a good feeling about. My horoscope has been predicting these huge changes all at once for weeks now. Actually, I think horoscopes are bullshit but for some reason I have been reading mine. Anyway, I suppose we'll manage. Other people have a lot more going on in their lives than animals and laundry.

As a result of this extra stress, I have decided to treat myself to shopping. I am off to the mall.

Oh, Happy Canada Day by the way. We're over-taxed and lacking in any real identity save for beer and maple syrop but hell, as my grandfather used to say: "It's a good country." I wouldn't live anywhere alse in the world.

Except maybe Sweden. Sweden looks nice.

Office Girl.


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