Friday, May 05, 2006

Portrait of an Office Worker, as a Disgruntled Young Woman

I just heard that my old company (the one I worked at before this job) shut down their Toronto operations (where I was working out of). I guess I got out at a good time. I have to say though that as much as the pay sucked, I liked what I did there. I knew the company was going down the tubes, and I knew that it was because of some pretty crappy management amongst other things, but there were some really great people I worked with- both in Toronto and in Vancouver. I feel really bad for the people that lost their jobs. I hope the Vancouver operations can stay afloat-they have a lot more people working there.

So yeah, I'm nostalgic for my old job, but I guess that's pretty common. It's easy to forget all the bad times when you have been away from it for so long. I think what I miss the most is the autonomy I had. I was not being micro-managed like I am here. I think I need a job that allows me to have freedom and control; I need that. I am not a drone. I like to be able to branch out and make decisions. I work hard, but I find that where I am now is changing that. I have no inspiration here and I work in such a negative environment. I don't think its good for me.

The pay dispute is still going on and it has soured me. They are expecting me to sign the letter and I am not going to. Every time I have to say no to them, it gets more stressful. I am not going to look for a new job because the pay here is good and if I get pregnant soon (fingers crossed) I want to have good maternity benefits. I look at this job as one of life's sacrifices that one has to make. When I am off on my year of maternity leave, I hope that I will be able to find a job that I will like, because I sure as hell am not coming back here.

At least my husband has a great job that he loves. It would really suck if both of us hated what we do. I am going to put on a big shit eating grin and get through this. Hopefully, this month is the month for getting pregnant.

Office Girl.


Blogger Kate said...

yeah, totally shitty management. Gerry was the biggest problem of the bunch and Herb just followed along. Did I mention that multiple times the utilities have been cut off? Hydro was cut off at the TO office and Fitz had to pay the bill on his PERSONAL credit card to get it turned on. Then Head Office's phones were shut off because the bill hadn't been paid. THEN the Blackberries were shut off because they were in arrears $20G. Like WFT. Stop kiting your bills, stop paying your MC with your Visa.

I seriously dont know if I have a job to go back to. It's retarded. They're holding together by a thread. You need MSN mama, then I could rant in full to you about this corporate BS.

Teh Mommeh.

2:42 PM  

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