Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Praying to the HR gods

I followed up on one of the jobs I applied for by e-mail today. The HR person got back to me right away. She said that the resumes had been screened and sent to the department that I applied to for review, and that if I was chosen for an interview, I would be contacted directly.

So what the hell does that mean?

I have no idea. I’m one of those people who reads those lines over and over again trying to decipher the true meaning: Does that mean my resume was sent to the department? Does the fact that she got back to me mean that I am being considered?

You know I am half tempted to Google the department and get the names of the people there and their e-mail addresses and follow-up with them, but that might be a bit much. After obsessing about this for over an hour I start to get that sinking feeling, like I am not going to get the job and I am going to be stuck in this miserable shit hole until I a) finally get knocked up (which is taking forever and trust me, we have been trying) or b) finally have a complete meltdown about the thermostat and the fact that some idiot shows up to work in a tank top (I’m looking at you MegaBitch) and complains that they are cold. LOOK YOU SHRIVELLED UP OLD BITCH – COVER YOUR POST-MENOPAUSAL, HORMONALLY-SAPPED BODY WITH A FUCKING SWEATER.

I digress.

I think I’ll Google the people and have their names on hand just incase. Sometimes it pays off to be tenacious.

Office Girl.


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