Thursday, July 26, 2007

quick update

Avery was born on July 15 after a lenghty labour, 2 hours of pushing and an eventual c-section. Let's just say that Oxytocin is one hell of a drug. I'm sure it is the reason I ended up with a c-section. Me and Avery are fine now, just adjusting to life in pajamas, constant boobie-feeding and desperate attempts to get in the shower.

My girl is beautiful and healthy and we couldn't be happier.

I'll write out her birth story when I have more time.

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Friday, July 13, 2007


I am scheduled to be induced tomorrow morning at 8am. I'm not nervous yet - more irritated. I have been getting phone calls non-stop from family, friends and even coworkers asking if I have had the baby yet. It's getting really annoying. Do these people think that we won't call them?

Anyway. Avery has one last chance to come out on her own. Hopefully the induction goes well and I don't end up with a c-section. I'm sure I'll be very nervous tomorrow morning.


Thursday, July 12, 2007

3 centimetres

Holy hell is this baby ever stubborn. Went to the SOB's office yesterday where I found out that I was dilated 3 centimetres. He "stretched" me a little more which was not too comfortable, then I lost my mucous plug aaaaaand I've been bleeding a little ever since. Fun stuff.

I woke up this morning with contractions that have remained irregular and relatively mild all day so we went to Ikea to walk around. Then I came home and had a nap. Now I'm stuffing my face with Swedish cinnamon buns.

Maybe I'm going to have a Friday the 13th baby. Cool.


Thursday, July 05, 2007


I went in for my appointment today. My cervix is still the same measly one centimetre dilated and no effacement. My sob/gyn (as my husband refers to him) told me to go out and see his receptionist to be booked for induction next Tuesday. He told me that they will not allow women to go any later than 7-10 days past their due dates, and he preferred to do it at 7 days past.

She called down to the hospital and no one was able to book an appointment at that time (bad sign as I would later find out) so she told me to call her back when I got home. The husband and I went over to visit his parents around the corner from the hospital and I called the receptionist back while I was there. Still no appointment. She told me to keep my cell phone on and she would call me back.

I dragged the husband out to look at couch covers and towels and she called us while we were in the store. Not only could they not "fit me in" for my induction the next Tuesday, they are not going to be able to do it until the 14th of July now; which is past the 7-10 day period. So she booked me for that day and promised me she would keep trying for an earlier appointment.

First of all, how many fucking women are going in for inductions next Tuesday??? Is it that busy? Apparently.

I get off the phone and tell husband who proceeds to freak out. The phone rings again. Receptionist forgot to book my ultrasound, which is required if I am to be induced. I now have to go in for an ultrasound next Wednesday and then come see my sob/gyn right afer so he can check my cervix. I asked her why they were letting me go past the 7-10 day period when they had initially told me that they did not do that because of increased risk to the mother and baby and she just said "Oh I know you are anxious to have your baby..."

I'm anxious to know why they can all of the sudden let me go past the 7-10 day period. I asked if I could just go to another hospital to have this done and was told no. Really, I would prefer not to be induced so maybe it is better that I am waiting. I know induction is very hard on mum and baby and often ends in a c-section anyway. I'm pissed at our lousy healthcare system. The wait times are ridiculous in Ontario, especially when you need "emergency" services and procedures.
I hate my OB who gave me a pamphlet on induction and then left the office without asking if I had any questions. He did not go over the risks or the reasons with me. Typical of him but I am so fed up with that attitude.

Having a baby is so over-medicalized now I don't think that there is any such thing as a natural birth these days.


Tuesday, July 03, 2007

today is my due date

I feel fine; no weird symptoms or crazy nesting.

The husband on the other hand is nauseous and is currently taking a nap. He was too nervous to sleep last night. He's on nights at the firehall until Thursday and has been worrying about me going into labour.

I am oddly calm.


Sunday, July 01, 2007

stay at home mom (to a fetus)

I am officially on maternity leave. This means that I am now home to answer the 500 phone calls I get a day from family and friends asking me if I have had the baby yet. Here are some of the sentences I find myself repeating 500 times a day:

"Nope, not yet. Soon I hope. But you know...the first one is usually late...blah, blah, blah.."

"No I don't think it's nesting, I just love to clean and I haven't really had the time to these past couple of weeks..."

"Yes, we will call you when anything happens..."

"You can come to the hospital if you want but NO ONE is allowed in that delivery room but my husband..."

And so on. It's actually getting kind of annoying. I think I'm going to go out and buy some magazines and ignore the phone. After I finish re-organizing the kitchen cupboards, re-washing and re-folding all the baby clothes and scrubbing the hell out of my showers.

But I'm not nesting.

Stay tuned...
