Sunday, July 01, 2007

stay at home mom (to a fetus)

I am officially on maternity leave. This means that I am now home to answer the 500 phone calls I get a day from family and friends asking me if I have had the baby yet. Here are some of the sentences I find myself repeating 500 times a day:

"Nope, not yet. Soon I hope. But you know...the first one is usually late...blah, blah, blah.."

"No I don't think it's nesting, I just love to clean and I haven't really had the time to these past couple of weeks..."

"Yes, we will call you when anything happens..."

"You can come to the hospital if you want but NO ONE is allowed in that delivery room but my husband..."

And so on. It's actually getting kind of annoying. I think I'm going to go out and buy some magazines and ignore the phone. After I finish re-organizing the kitchen cupboards, re-washing and re-folding all the baby clothes and scrubbing the hell out of my showers.

But I'm not nesting.

Stay tuned...



Blogger Kate said...

when you feel the need to pull the stove out from the wall and vacuum behind it then we'll call that nesting, mmmkay?

12:56 AM  

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