Monday, March 05, 2007

23 weeks

Dear Avery,

Time is flying by for me. I can’t believe that I’m almost 6 months pregnant. I’m still feeling good, other than the occasional bad heartburn, and you are moving around like crazy! You dad still can’t feel you move when he puts his hand on my tummy, and he is always disappointed when he can’t feel your little kicks. We are hoping that he’ll be able to feel you soon. I’ve been out a couple of times to get some clothes for you – just a few little things. Your dad found a little shirt with fire trucks on it and insisted on getting it for you. He also went a little toy-crazy at Ikea the other day for you. He’s getting really excited.

My tummy is sticking out a lot more than before but people tell me I don’t look 6 months pregnant. I guess you’re still tucked away in the back somewhere! Last night I had some bad heartburn and couldn’t fall asleep. I guess you couldn’t either because I could feel you were moving around. So I read us some of Margaret Atwood’s “Cat’s Eye”, my favourite book. This seemed to calm you down a bit.

This week I started getting “Braxton-Hicks” contractions, which is normal for this time. We were out for a hike with Charlie and it felt like my whole tummy kept hardening up and then going soft again. It was very strange.

Your dad and I went to visit your great-grandmother yesterday. She has knitted you the most beautiful sweater with a matching hat and booties. I think I will bring you home from the hospital in this outfit, I know if would mean a lot to nana. She has been very sad since papa died last summer. I’m sorry that you won’t get to meet him, he was a wonderful man. If you were a boy, I was going to give you his first name, Kenneth, as your middle name. Instead you are getting all original names! Well, except for the last name.

Well my sweet girl, you are doing so well and getting so big and I couldn’t be happier. I peek into the nursery every morning and look at all the things you have so far and it makes me smile. I think this is the happiest I have ever been.

Keep growing strong.






Blogger Melinda said...

Ooooh, IKEA toys! Did you guys get the big green stuffed snake? We've got that one. :)

Good luck with the braxton-hicks. Those mf's took over my life for the last 2 months of pregnancy...

And as for your last post, get used to the onslaught of advice from Stepford moms. It only gets worse after you pop out the kidlet. Bleh. I've got a changing table and I use it all the time. Most of them come with straps you can use to restrain your baby if she's a roller. And bottles? We use Avent -- they work great for us and are designed to support breastfeeding.

And one more thing? Anyone who tells you not to consider getting a pump is just irresponsible and spouting la leche league propoganda, I think. What if your baby has trouble latching, or you get mastitis or thrush? How else will you provide breastmilk for your baby if you don't pump? Hand expression takes forever and doesn't work for everyone. I had a horrible time bf'ing and used my pump every day (medela pump in style -- lame name, I know).

Anyway. Didn't mean to rant in your comments section. :) Carry on...

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