Thursday, February 22, 2007

21 weeks

Dear Avery,

I am now 21 weeks pregnant with you as of Tuesday this week. I can’t believe how fast this seems to be going right now. Despite some sickness in the first trimester with you, the second trimester has been wonderful. I started to feel you fluttering around in there around the 15 week mark. My doctor and many other people told me it was too early to feel anything but I knew it was you. The other day you really started moving around, even kicking me in the bladder! This morning, daddy woke me up as he left for work and this must have woken you up too because you got the hiccups all of the sudden. I think you had them for about ten minutes before you finally settled down in there again. Every time you move, I feel happy and relaxed, knowing that you are safe in there.

Your dad and I bought a minivan the other day. We also put your crib together and have started to set up your nursery. Hopefully we’ll get out to Ikea this weekend because they have some neat baby stuff there. I’m looking for the perfect artwork to adorn your walls too. I haven’t bought you any clothes yet but I know lots of other people have. Your great-grandmother and paternal grandmother have been knitting away like crazy for you. I think you have 8 receiving blankets already! Of course, most of them are pink. I know your dad and I didn’t want to have you in frilly, girly clothes all the time but I saw the cutest little dress with a matching cardigan the other day and I think I might have to get it. It probably won’t fit you until you are around 3 months old (and then probably not for very long). I know that my mum, your grandmother (and the best one out of the bunch, I might add) is very excited to meet you. And the most excited out of everyone are your dad and I. Your dad brought home some of his medical stuff and takes my blood pressure all the time to make sure that we are okay. He is going to bring his stethoscope home this week so he can hear your heartbeat any time he wants. We first saw you when I was 12 weeks pregnant on the ultrasound. It was the most amazing thing either of us have ever seen. You were very tiny and we could see your little heart pumping away. While we were looking at you, you wiggled around and waved your arm at us. We were so excited! After that ultrasound, I felt less worried about you because I knew you were doing okay. The next time we saw you was when I was 18 weeks along. This time you were much bigger and moving around a lot. Daddy and I really wanted to know if you were a girl or a boy but you were lying in a funny position and the technician couldn’t see between your legs so I had to move around all over the bed while the technician poked at you from the outside. Finally you moved and we got to find out that we are having a little girl. That night we went out for dinner to celebrate.

So far, it has been wonderful for me and I hope you are enjoying yourself in there! LOL. I have never craved strawberry Poptarts more in my life and I’ve been indulging in some seriously good peanut butter chocolate ice cream. I know you are enjoying these things too. Take care in there. Keep growing strong and healthy, and we’ll see each other very soon.






Blogger Kate said...

Oh... I seriously have tears in my eyes. Dammit. *sniffle* It's all down hill from here on out, Teh-Mommeh-to-be. I know I don't have to tell you to enjoy it cause I know you are.

Teh Mommeh.

2:38 AM  

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