Tuesday, February 20, 2007

more unsolicited pregnancy advice/comments

I was at my doctor’s on Friday. As usual, the nurse who came and got me from the waiting room took my weight before sending me in to see my doctor. When my doctor came in to the room, she had a concerned look on her face.

“You’ve lost more weight” she said.


“Are you eating?” she asked.

I must admit I was a little taken aback by this comment. I am by no means fat, but I have never been underweight and have always had a couple of extra pounds on me. Since getting pregnant, I have lost some weight. Most of this was during the 1st trimester, which I am not that far out of, due to nausea and vomiting and a general loss of appetite. I have stopped running but continue to go for hikes and walks daily with my dog, and I do some light yoga to keep all my ladybits etc. primed for the eventual hell of labour. Other than that, I eat a healthy three meals a day, plus healthy fruit snacks, and I am feeling good.

After convincing my doctor that I am not a total moron and that I know how to eat healthfully and that I am taking a prenatal vitamin and calcium supplement every day, she decided to lay off since the baby is doing fine. She told me that the next time she sees me (4 weeks from now) she will be expecting me to have put on some weight. After leaving the appointment, I started to feel a little guilty. This snowballed all the way home until I got in the door and when asked by my husband how everything was going, my eyes filled up with tears and I informed him that I am already a bad mother because I am starving our child. Dramatic, I know.

I eventually calmed down and realized that the doctor was only concerned and that she did reassure me before I left the appointment that the baby was perfectly fine.

Today at work I had 3 separate women in my office tell me that I looked like I was “wasting away”. This is absolutely ridiculous considering that my tummy is bulging out like a hardened alcoholics’ and my tits are the size of mountains. I have never had hips or an ass so that part has always been smallish. Anyways. I felt instant rage. They did not say this in a concerned, nice, motherly way; they said it like they were accusing me of something. I am not wasting away. I will not post my weight on this blog but I can assure you that I’m not 115 pounds. I eat tons of really healthy foods and often some junkier ones (like sweet, sweet poptarts or strawberry sundaes from Dairy Queen).

After the hair dye comments from yesterday (by the way thank you teh mommeh for your support) I was in no mood for more of this.

Tomorrow I am not getting out of bed.


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