Monday, February 19, 2007

F%*@ing Idiots

Amongst the compliments I received on my newly red hair today were a few comments from some mental midgets in my office including: "I thought you weren't supposed to dye your hair when you're pregnant."

First of all, fuck off.

Secondly, I did happen to ask my doctor before I did this and got the go-ahead as I am safely in my second trimester now. Who the hell do these people think they are? I would NEVER in a million years say anything so ignorant and uncouth to someone. These are the same morons who ask me if they can "get me some milk" at lunch when they see me drinking my ginger ale. To these cockheads, I would like to say:

"Oh you mean the hormone-injected cow juice? Yeah, that sounds like something I should be drinking. Something that has been injected with hormones. I'm not a fucking baby cow and neither is my daughter. I take calcium supplements if you must know asshole, but thanks for your concern. Yeah, hair dye is full of chemicals. So is the goddamn air we breathe outside because you insist on buying a fucking SUV to hall your fat, McDonald's eating ass the whole 5 kilometers that is the distance between your house and work. You know what's bad for you? Being 50 pounds overweight. I don't look at you funny when you get cookies or a bag of chips with your lunch everyday, even though I'll be paying for your ass through the health care system when you keel over from a myocardial infarction or stroke because you can't stop pounding back the food. I don't know where the fuck you were raised but where I come from, if you don't have anything remotely pleasant or productive to say, you shut the fuck up. I know that trying to grasp this concept might be difficult for you because you have to get your head around what happened on American Idol and Grey's Anatomy last night, so let me break it down in simpler terms: You are an idiot, a fucking idiot who has no idea what to think, so you just say whatever dumb shit comes in to your head. You are a morbidly obese mindless consumer that has an opinion about everything and if you were an American I bet you'd be an Evangelical freak who would vote for Bush."

I am declaring a jihad on the idiots in my office.


Blogger Kate said...

i dyed my hair when I was pregnant and I got the same idiots... my sister was one of them. After being in the doctors office with my mum and asking the doctor 'Can I dye my hair?' (I was probably 3 months pregnant... before we found out there were 2 babies) and getting the go ahead I made the appointment. My doctor told me to absolutely go ahead and dye my hair, get a wax job, a massage, sit in the spa... what have you, because in a few months I'll be wishing I could and would be too busy to do it. Plus she pointed out to me that hairdressers ALSO get pregnant and they dont quit working the minute they find out they're gonna have a baby. They're around more chemicals than I am sitting in a salon chair for an hour and a half.

In fact, I got my hair dyed TWICE while I was pregnant. So to all the nay sayers out there, they can go fuck themselves. My body, my baby(ies). I'm not shooting crack or getting shit faced every weekend. I'm sitting in a hair salon for part of the afternoon to pamper myself. Idiots.

4:07 PM  
Blogger french panic said...

I think we must work in the same office. I am not pregnant, nor am I overweight, but the obese people in the office, the ones who eat McDonalds or fried food EVERY day, feel compelled to comment on the amount of food I eat. As in "whoa! that's a big grapefruit! Think you can manage it?" Whereas I keep the snide comments about the shit they shovel in their mouths to myself.

They are the same people who think that Little Mosque on the Prairie is a hilarious show.

6:35 PM  

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