Monday, January 29, 2007

Yule A.K.A. Rusty A.K.A. Smelly Dog

The poor old dog we adopted did not work out. We brought him home Saturday afternoon. He and Charlie got along famously. We all went running around in the park together, came home and played some more, ate our dinner together…and then Yule, who’s name is actually Rusty on his Rabies tag, went after the cats. Not good. We barricaded the doors, we ushered the cats upstairs and moved all of their earthly possessions up there with them, but to no avail. Yule/Rusty/Smelly Dog wanted a piece of those cats. Then, he peed on our floor, many times. Then, he rejected the dog crate; a place in our house where all the good little doggies go to sleep for the night, so the parents can have an hour to themselves before going to bed. He actually bent the bars on the dog crate. He was in there for a total of 2 minutes.

We returned Yule/Rusty/Smelly Dog to the farm on Sunday. Both of us were heartbroken about it. I know he has a good life on the farm, but I know he really wanted to live with a family. I spent the rest of Sunday in tears. Apparently it takes me about 3.2 seconds to get attached to an animal and then I am a blubbering mess if I can’t help them and keep them. So that’s it for the dog thing. Charlie is going to have to be an only child for the next little while.

In other news, my review here at work went very well. Everyone loves me and I am getting a raise. Wonderful. I still have not told my boss that I am pregnant. I think its becoming a secret little game I am having with myself. How long before anyone starts to notice and then I have to tell? I walk boldly through the hallways without sucking in (though this would prove to be almost impossible at this point), my tummy obviously protruding. Perhaps people think I’m just getting fat.

Anyway, back to work. My mood is still pretty crap but I think that has something to do with having to abandon a poor, needy dog over the weekend. And I am oh so tired. So endlessly tired it makes me want to crumple up on the floor like a used Kleenex and make moaning sounds until someone comes over, picks me up and tucks me into bed.

18 weeks pregnant tomorrow!


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