Monday, January 08, 2007

15 Weeks

This week, I have to go in for a blood test for the Integrated Prenatal Screening. I am thinking very positively (thanks for the supportive comments!) and looking forward to my 18 week ultrasound where, if the baby cooperates, I get to find out the sex. A few other women have asked me why on earth I would want to know the sex and ruin the surprise. I think that for me, it will help me bond even more with the little creature, also I can narrow in on some names, and as soon as I find out, I am going to buy the first little outfit as a celebration.

Something in me is saying boy. I think it’s because I know my husband would be so happy with one. I know he would be happy with a girl too, but after listening to him talk about his strained relationship with his dad and what he would do with his own son to make sure that didn’t happen, my heart aches for him. Sounds sappy eh? Well what the heck do you expect from a pregnant woman? Seriously though, this isn’t some weird “I must please my husband by giving him a son” thing, I just think that it would be wonderful for him, and that makes me feel all warm and gooey inside. Regardless of the sex, we’ll both be happy.

As far as symptoms go, I’m still pretty tired and now I feel sick again at dinner time. I am definitely starting to feel heaviness in my uterus and my heart pounds when I go for hikes with the dog. The doctor says this is normal and my blood pressure is in the low to normal range so I’m not worried.

I’m going to tell my boss about the baby in February, after my probation is over. I’m getting tired of having to hide it from everyone at work.

So that’s it for now. I’m going to drag myself through the rest of the afternoon because I haven’t been sleeping well lately. Hopefully tonight I’ll be able to get a good eight hours.


Blogger Joanne said...

That's so funny. My DH and I do NOT want to find out the sex ahead of time and most people keep asking us why and that there is no way they could wait. It really takes all my willpower not to (and our big ultrasound is coming up in a few weeks so we'll see if I can stick to it!) so I totally understand why one would want to. I think either way is fine.

8:28 PM  

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