Thursday, December 07, 2006

Why Do I Bother?

Why do I bother talking to idiots? Why do I insist on torturing myself this way? The flu shot clinic is here in our building today and of course all the women are nattering on about who will get their shot and who won’t. There are the usual morons who claim that they won’t get it because, and I quote “the flu shot actually gave them the flu”, which is, as we all know, impossible. You are being injected with an inactivated vaccine, which is a killed virus. Hence, it is impossible for you to get the flu from it. They tell us this every fucking year. It’s on the news, on television commercials, on posters around the city, it’s everywhere. So the loudmouth (the god-loving loud-talker who has dealt with almost her entire divorce over the phone at the office and now everyone here knows every detail of it) is standing beside me at the photocopier and another woman in the office walks by and asks her if she is going to get her shot. She says, “I don’t believe in the flu shot. If I’m gonna get it, I’m gonna get it. I don’t care if I barf everywhere.” So I turn to her and say “The flu and a stomach bug are two different things. You don’t throw up with influenza. And if you don’t get the shot, and you get influenza, you can pass it on to other people who really cannot handle getting sick.” This is the woman with a terminally ill mother who she looks after. HELLO?!?! Why would you risk passing the flu on to her? She shrugs and restates that she does not believe in the flu shot. I guess jeebus will protect her.

On the pregnancy front, I seem to only want to barf my guts up in the evening, which now leaves the days free and clear for food consumption. Excellent. Though I must say that most things are totally unappealing to me. Just for the hell of it, here is a small list of foods that make me want to gag until I have no organs left in my body:

Tomato-sauce based pasta meals
Garlic and parmesan flavored rice (husband cooked it one night, I discovered how disgusting I found it)
Anything with curry
Pickles (ironically enough)
Chicken, prepared most ways

There are other foods that I can’t eat but they don’t come to mind right now. I’m all about the peanut butter and jam toasted sandwiches with a glass of orange juice right now. And I’m a big fan of Cheerios for dinner. I actually wouldn’t mind if my appetite didn’t get much better throughout the pregnancy. I really do not want to gain very much weight. I figured I would set the limit at 25lbs. I’m still exercising and I did lose a bit so far with being sick. Who knows, maybe I’ll end up being a big fat cow. Yay.

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Blogger Kate said...

Garlic made me want to vomit when I was preggers. I made a big pot of spaghetti... I remember specifically it being Halloween because the early trick-or-treaters kept interrupting my cooking and I was getting pissed.

I digress.

I ended up freezing the entire thing and giving it to my brother because I could smell the garlic in the spaghettin IN THE FREEZER.

I think he ate well for at least a month.

Tuna was something I didnt bother to touch when I was pregnant. The doctor gave me a list of things to limit - tuna and sushi were on it. I dont eat sushi and I do eat tuna, I just decided to avoid it for 9 months. Feta cheese and Ricotta cheese were hard to do. Once I was allowed to eat whatever I wanted when I was in the hospital I requested a Milestone's California salad. Mmmmmm sooooo good.

No more changing kitty litter boxes though. If you have one of them make Daddy-to-be doooo eeeeet!

4:05 PM  

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