Wednesday, November 08, 2006

Time for a Rant

Hey – I’m entitled. I think I generally keep my complaining to a minimum anyway, well, sometimes. So here we go, a multi-faceted rant, covering many subjects.

The wedding. I wrote about all the bullshit my husband and I had to take care of for this event. We lent money ($5000) to the bride and groom to pay for their day, we helped organize things, and we showed up early the day of, ran around like crazy idiots and made sure that everything went smoothly for the reception. The day cost us thousands of dollars, yes, THOUSANDS. Let’s break this mofo down shall we?

Lending the broke ass couple some money: $5000
Husband’s Suit: $750
My dress/shoes/jewellery: $200.00 (I found a cheap dress at the superstore)
Shower gift: $50.00
Wedding Gift: $200.00
Hotel Room: $120.00
Taxis: $30.00
TOTAL: $6350.00

I will not make a “priceless” reference here.

You know how much our wedding cost? Like, the whole thing. Yeah, it was $2500 dollars and that includes the honeymoon. So anyways, they have finally paid us back, but you know what the funny thing is? They paid us exactly, to the dollar, what we lent them. Um hello? Do you live in a world without interest? Cause I sure as hell don’t. We took money from our line of credit to lend them. Of course, there is interest. Now, it’s not much but you would think another adult would figure this out and ask us before they wrote the cheque, if there was any additional money to be paid.


We were supposed to get a little gift at the wedding (according to the groom) which we did not get. Then, the bride and groom told my husband to pick a weekend that we could take off and they would send us to a bed and breakfast, to thank us for all of the help. Not to mention that my husband was in the wedding party and should be getting something anyway. This was a few weeks ago. We had dinner with them over the weekend and the subject never came up. So I guess this means that we aren’t going to get that either

I’m not going to go crazy on this point here, but I will say this. I am absolutely so fucking sick and tired of doing shit for family and friends and getting nothing in return. EVER. It stops now. I mean it. If I ever start wavering on this and you see an entry where I am talking about helping someone out, or organizing something for someone, turn on my computer, grab me by the back of my head and shove my face in front of this entry.


Every day someone brings their new baby in to this office and all the women gather around like a bunch of barnyard hens and cluck, cluck, cluck away at the baby and they are so goddamn loud that I cannot concentrate on my work. They literally do this for an hour. Ladies: I have work to do. It is just a baby. Get over it. Oh hey, and while you’re at it, stop pissing on the seat in the ladies room.


The woman a couple offices down from me who talks to her family on the phone ALL DAY LONG really loud. SHUTUP.


It’s been raining for weeks and my hair is a frizz ball.


Everyone in the office is sick. All the time. Stop coming in to work and bringing your germs.

Okay, I think that about sums it up for now.


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