Friday, February 09, 2007

shut up and glow

Apparently everyone at work knows that I’m pregnant now. The VP came into my office to congratulate me yesterday and then a bunch of people came up to me today to say “I hear you’re eating for two now” and all the other bullshit stuff people say to you when they don’t know what else to say. One woman asked me how far along I am and when I told her I am almost five months she asked me if I was sure. I said yes; she told me that I do not look that far along. When I said that everyone is different she said “Yeah but you would think you’d be showing more by now.” Well, I guess I’m doing something wrong then. Maybe I need to drink more milk.

Another woman came up to me and said “I guess there’s something in the water around here” (there is another preggo in my department) and so I said “I’m pretty sure this is a direct result of having sexual intercourse with my husband” (ha ha) No one laughed. I then went on to joke about the other pregnant woman with my husband. Ha ha. Dead silence.

I am supposed to shut up and glow, I guess.

Anyway. Avery was moving around like crazy last night and for a minute, I was a little terrified. Just for a minute though. It was one of those moments when the kid does something crazy in there like roll over or something and you go “Holy shit. There is another person in my body right now.” She just felt so big all of the sudden. I’m over it now. I just have those moments every once in awhile.

In boob news: I am now surpassing DD territory. Apparently I am carrying the baby in my chest. People are beginning to stare.


Blogger Kate said...

well I laughed. Out loud. people in your office need to get a sense of humor dammit!

DD... JJ is around the corner. And I swear to god, all these women, my mom included, told me they would shrink after the baby was born but THEY DIDN'T.

Maybe that's a direct result of the fact that I attempted to breastfeed for only 6 weeks. Someone needs to do a scientific evaluation on women who didnt boob feed for very long or at all and find out whether their tatas shrunk or not.

12:09 PM  
Blogger Darch said...

A similar comment is made at my workplace, there have been a steady stream of pregnancies for the past 2 years. I respond with, 'if that is how you think babies are made, sit down I have something to tell you'.

As for the DDs, I am there too and am only in my 16th week.

3:56 PM  
Blogger Melinda said...

Just so you know: I would've laughed, too.

6:26 PM  

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