Tuesday, February 27, 2007


So, I woke up this morning and my bump is barely there. What gives? Yesterday my tummy stuck out further than my boobs (which is no small feat mind you) and now it’s just slightly pushing out. I’m back in my regular pants today with no problem.

Other symptoms I have read about but that have not yet happened to me include:

Linea negra, the line women get from the base of their navel to their pubic area (no sign of this yet)

Bigger, darker nipples (nope, still the same old nipples I’ve always had)

Swelling of the hands and feet (I got sausage fingers one day in my 14th week and I had to pry my wedding ring off using butter and my husband. After that, no fat hand incidents)

Excess saliva (I have always drooled a little while I slumber. No marked difference in that.)

Symptoms I did get/am having so far:

Giant boobs (and there are veins on them now. Ewwww)

Cravings for sweets (which I never liked before. Though the cravings seemed to have subsided now)


Nausea (long gone now)

Lack of patience for assholes in my office who feel it is their duty to give me advice on MY pregnancy.

In other news, we have a gas shortage. This has not been causing me to panic though we did just buy a minivan that is a pig on the gas compared to our other car. Then this morning on the way to work I noticed that we only had half a tank in the little car and when I went to top up I could not find a single gas station in our town that had gas. I finally found one and had to wait forever to get it and as I was leaving they were shutting it down. Yikes. Toronto is out of gas almost totally and now it has spilled out into the surrounding suburbs. I am not going to go into my rant about why this is all total bullshit and how bullshit it is that Canada has not built a refinery since the 60s and that we are piping all of our crude down to the states for them to process and they are selling it back to us while raping us up the ass and how sick and greedy and overly reliant on oil we all are…suffice it to say that the fact that we are paying almost a dollar a litre again is outright gouging and I will not be surprised if, even when the gas stations reopen and we have a supply again, the prices will not go down. And a guy on our street just bought a Hummer.

Oh, I have something else to complain about: why is everyone in my office constantly sick? There are people here who have literally been sick since October. What is wrong with these people?

Okay. I’m done now.


Blogger Kate said...

I didnt get the elusive Linea Negra either... though i'm kinda relieved. It looked a little scary on some pictures I saw... not exactly a treasure trail, but more like a rift in the tectonic plates of your stomach muscles.

The darker nips I didnt notice until I attempted boob feeding. Like they were normal color up until a baby hooked onto them and them BAM one morning they were dark. They've since lightened though... I really did just whip out my tata and check.

Swelling of hands... I didnt really get, though I did develop an allergy to 14k gold so all my jewelery had to come off and I've just been able to put it back on. Almost 2 years without my wedding rings... ahhhh I was free. I kid.

Patience, yeah.. well I dont have patience for idiots anyways, so if my patience was nil for 9 months, nobody really noticed.

And as far as the bump coming and going... remember mama to be, your little girl is swimming around in there like crazy. Sometimes shes under your ribs, other times shes using your bladder as a trampoline, other times her bum is gonna be right on your belly button. The bigger she gets the less room she'll have to move around and the more your bump will be permanently noticeable. Just wait till she starts doing back flips and you can watch your tummy roll around with her! Fun stuff!

6:31 PM  

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