Tuesday, June 27, 2006

The Great Escape (I hope)

After spending hours and hours polishing my resume and cover letters to apply for two jobs who have still not contacted me after three weeks, I get a phone call from a company yesterday that I completely forgot that I applied to. I think I just happened to see the posting on Workopolis a day before it closed and thought: What the hell? Might as well apply.

Well, it turns out that they are offering two positions. It’s a publishing company (15 minutes away from home!!!!) and it turns out that the Editor (whom I spoke to) is looking for an assistant. She asked me if I would be interested in both positions and of course I said yes. So, now I have an interview next week.

I can’t even explain what this has done for my mood. I don’t even have the job (yet) and already I feel this happiness. There is hope that I can get the hell out of here. I just keep thinking about all the crap I have put up with from my boss. She’s rude to everyone, racist, always in a bad mood.

I really hope I get this new job.

Office Girl

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Praying to the HR gods

I followed up on one of the jobs I applied for by e-mail today. The HR person got back to me right away. She said that the resumes had been screened and sent to the department that I applied to for review, and that if I was chosen for an interview, I would be contacted directly.

So what the hell does that mean?

I have no idea. I’m one of those people who reads those lines over and over again trying to decipher the true meaning: Does that mean my resume was sent to the department? Does the fact that she got back to me mean that I am being considered?

You know I am half tempted to Google the department and get the names of the people there and their e-mail addresses and follow-up with them, but that might be a bit much. After obsessing about this for over an hour I start to get that sinking feeling, like I am not going to get the job and I am going to be stuck in this miserable shit hole until I a) finally get knocked up (which is taking forever and trust me, we have been trying) or b) finally have a complete meltdown about the thermostat and the fact that some idiot shows up to work in a tank top (I’m looking at you MegaBitch) and complains that they are cold. LOOK YOU SHRIVELLED UP OLD BITCH – COVER YOUR POST-MENOPAUSAL, HORMONALLY-SAPPED BODY WITH A FUCKING SWEATER.

I digress.

I think I’ll Google the people and have their names on hand just incase. Sometimes it pays off to be tenacious.

Office Girl.

Thursday, June 08, 2006

Edit This, B*tch

At my stupid job, I generate a lot of reports. I also have to do things like update all of the policy manuals and take meeting minutes at all staff meetings. So, lots of writing. I love writing, and I understand that I am not going to produce material that is absolutely perfect every time, however; when my stuff is unnecessarily edited 6 or 7 times, I think there might be some issues.

For example, I recently updated our policy manual. It was edited 3 times and then finally approved. The edits usually consist of my idiot boss correcting and then re-correcting her former corrections (things like how many spaces are between titles, put this is alphabetical order-no wait, don’t--put it by project title--no wait, alpha is better…) I AM NOT EXAGGERATING. Anyway, so it was approved by the idiot so I had 2 copies printed in colour and bound. Yesterday she says to me:

“Did you ever finish that policy manual?”

At this point the rage starts to bubble up.

“Yes, you don’t remember? You edited it and then I published it”

I would like to take a moment here and point out that THE ONLY PEOPLE WHO READ AND USE THIS THING ARE HER AND I, NO ONE ELSE WORKS HERE.

“I don’t remember. I’d better go over it again.” she says.

So she does. And she fucking marks up the whole thing with edits that contradict her former edits. I know this woman has a GIANT chip on her shoulder because she comes from butt-fuck nowhere and only has a 2 year college degree (and there is nothing wrong with that. The only reason I point this out is because she constantly criticizes people that don’t have at least a BA, for reasons I can’t understand). She is cutting my work to shreds because this is what she thinks she should do and because when she hands stuff in to her manager, the dithering old man cuts her stuff to shreds because he is a perfectionist workaholic with nothing better to do.

And this is what I must deal with. It sickens me when a fuckwit with little or no understanding of grammar or the English language in general tells me how to write. I have a degree in English, which did help me in fine tuning my writing and research skills, however, I am also not an idiot, unlike my boss, and I am able to string a few sentences together about the bullshit that went on in a meeting or how to operate the photocopy machine.


Office Girl

Monday, June 05, 2006

Stupid Jerks

What astounds me about the person I work for is the absolute disregard she has for how she speaks to other people. The reason I don’t take anything she says personally is because she is such a bitch to everyone – not just me. I am amazed that people who do not work for, or with her put up with it. Unfortunately, I have no choice. This morning was classic case and point.

She stomps in with no good morning - nary a grunt or a glance upwards. She spends the rest of the morning not speaking to anyone with her pointy little nose buried in some government documents that are probably the most low-priority thing in this office right now, and upon seeing the 3 emails that I have sent her regarding information I felt was important enough to not just be asked verbally, but to be documented via e-mail so that we don’t have anymore “incidents” (and by incidents I mean her telling me one thing and then denying what she has told me later on and thereby blaming me for something that is out of my control because I was just following orders) she turns around to me, scrunches up her mousy face and asks me to stop sending her “so many emails” because she gets “like 8000 a day” [sic] and it “annoys her.” She also rolled her eyes and let the attitude flow when I asked her if there was parking nearby one of our downtown meetings next week (I figured since she has been to this location so many times she could just tell me).

If it weren’t for the fact that I have a mortgage and a wonderful husband that I could not bare to stress out with having to be the sole provider until I find other employment- I would get up from my desk this morning, dump the contents of my in-box onto the floor, and walk out. I loathe this job. This job makes me sick. This job causes me to lose sleep. This job is the bane of my existence.

I have applied to two other places and I am still waiting to hear back from them. I have my fingers crossed that I get one of them even if it is a very slight pay cut. I think for my sanity, I need to leave here.

What I don’t understand is this: How can someone be so rude to everyone all the time? How can they come to work and say to themselves “I am doing a great job, I’m a great manager, and everyone likes me.”??? I’m tired of giving people the benefit of the doubt. I don’t give a shit what has happened to her in her life that has made her so bitter. I don’t want to deal with her shit. I think this whole place is fucked up. We have two companies working side by side and there are two people (my boss and MegaBitch from the other company) who are causing nothing but grief for everyone else and NOTHING is being done about it. This is the most poisonous workplace I have ever been in. I have had it. I can only pray that I get one of those other jobs, otherwise I don’t now what I am going to do.

Office Girl.