Monday, August 21, 2006

No Vacancy

Life just got busier for me in the last couple of months: the puppy, the new job, and yes, the new little person-to-be taking up residence in my womb. I have passed the 3 month mark and am now “out of the woods” as they say as far as any big risk of miscarriage. I have to admit that I am feeling pretty good, aside from some days being ridiculously tired due to the draining of my bodily resources from said little person-to-be. Occasionally, I get a little nausea as my super-human sense of smell tracks down anything giving off the tiniest bit of offensive odor. I am particularly disgusted by our compost bin.

I’m nervous about telling my new employer about the pregnancy. I literally just started this job under a month ago. I had my second interview and was offered the job the same day as I found out about the baby. At that point, I knew that I still had to give my notice at the other place. It was not a healthy environment for me there. Hopefully, I will still have a job to come back to after maternity leave. This place seems pretty decent. We’ll see.

I miss wine and the occasional cigarette, but I have been very good. I’m eating well and continuing to exercise, and I guess this is helping with the pregnancy symptoms. And my husband is very happy, as am I, so things are good. I’m going in for an ultrasound on Friday and they are going to measure the baby and I will get to hear the heartbeat, which is kind of exciting. I’ll blog all about it later. Oh, and I still have to blog about my boobs – check out Teh Mommeh’s bra shopping story-it doesn’t get any more real than that.

Office Mommeh-To-Be


Blogger Kate said...

Ahhh... the super human sense of smell. I had that too. Garlic did it for me. I had to turf everything that had to do with garlic. I couldnt even have garlic powder or dried garlic in a container on the spice rack because I could smell it through the glass jar.

Have fun at the ultrasound meeting your new baby for the first time! Hope Teh Daddeh-to-be can come with you as well! First ultrasound was when we found out there were twins. Wouldnt that be funny if..... nah, I wont even go there! :)

Teh Mommeh in BC.

1:50 PM  

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