Tuesday, December 02, 2008

It’s a girl! (And I have gallstones)

So they tacked on an abdominal ultrasound to my obstetrical one and whaddya know? According to the technician I have “loads of gallstones”. Awesomeness. I will be seeing a surgeon and determining if I can wait until after baby is born to have the surgery. Apparently this is somewhat common during pregnancy.

Anyway, the baby looks great and because there was no penis sighting, the technician is 90% sure it is a girl. We had 100% confirmation with Avery but whatever. A healthy baby is all I ask at this point. Although I was pretty freaking excited about the girl thing. We have a first name (Hayden) and a middle name (Winter) for a girl but no boy names. Husband thinks we should pick a boy name just incase. I like Jakob Kenneth, husband hates it. We cannot agree on any of them. Any suggestions from the 2 people that read this blog are more than welcome.

So that’s the update. I now live in fear of food.

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Blogger Kate said...

We picked Liam Andrew and Ewan Mark for boy names, but never got to use them. They're free for your use cause there are no boy babies coming out of this body!

9:58 PM  
Blogger Waffle said...

Um, bad gallstones. you poor honey. Do not fear the food!

Boys names - I wanted Felix but CFO said it was a cat's name. And Pascal too. I can't remember what he objected to with that. In the end we have a Théo and a Louis (both common as muck in France/Belgium). Louis doesn't even have a middle name because we had a huge fight (unrelated) on the day we went to register his birth and weren't speaking. What a lovely heritage for him.

7:21 AM  
Blogger fourstar71 said...

We very nearly used Elliott but it is going spare now. I also like Thor but my wife said no. Again. Pfft.

@Jaywalker - I have a Theo as well (but I envy your groovy acute accent!)

10:33 AM  
Blogger Nimble said...

Sorry about the gallstones. Hope it gets resolved with minimum drama.

We had picked out the name Thomas but ended up with two girls. Now that I write that name I realize that it makes me think of the Tank Engine. But at the time it was just melodious with our last names.

Here in the midwest USA I notice lots of 'occupation' names in vogue for boys' names: Sawyer, Tanner, Porter, Mason. Any of that where you are?

2:17 PM  
Blogger Pearl said...

I named my son Joseph Dylan. I figured it was multi-functional. If he was rich, he'd be J. Dylan. If he was a biker, he'd be JD. Joe will help you change a tire, and Dylan is smart.
The Boy's a professional drummer and in college. He goes by Dylan but will answer to "Hey!"
I had wanted "Perry". His dad said, and I quote, "Over my dead body."


p.s. My sister dated a Thor. He was gorgeous but I couldn't help but thinking that his name sounded like he had a lisp.

2:45 AM  
Blogger Alyson said...

Have you had pain from your gallstones? If not, keep your gallbladder. I had severe abdominal pain, went to the ER, diagnosed gallstones, removed gallbladder, still have the pain. Can't figure it out. So, if I could go back, I'd keep my gallbladder and if I wasn't having pain, I'd never have had it removed.

Just something to think about. My condition sucks (there's no way to figure out when or why it's happening, doctors are crap) and I'd be happier if I were at least still whole.

Loved your present clinic entry over on Belgian Waffle. No suggestions though (at least none that can beat what you've already received.)

5:17 PM  

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