Friday, March 28, 2008

8 months old


Thursday, March 20, 2008

where do I even begin?

Yeah, I realize the last real post was from December. I laugh at myself now when I look back to the pregnant me who thought maternity leave would be like a year-long vacation and I would have time to write, both in this blog and elsewhere. HA!

Avery is now 8 months old. I can't believe how fast the time has gone by. I'll have to post a picture next time because our broke-ass desktop computer caught a nasty virus and I am working off of an even broker-ass laptop that does not have any pictures stored on it. I digress.

Where are we at 8 months? My big little girl weighs a whopping 24 pounds (yes that is all breastmilk and the odd bit of solids now and then - go boobies!) and has 5 teeth. She is just starting to crawl now and is still the happiest baby I have ever met. She is pretty hyper so I have joined a few mom groups to get us out of the house. These have spawned a few friendships and I am now one of those mothers you see lurking at cafes bugging the underpaid teenage staff behind the counter for a cup of hot water to heat up a "buh-buh". I used to hate those women. And now I am one of them. Funny how life works out.

I think I have overcome all the post-partum, post-post partum depression bullshit. Getting out each day certainly helps. My sex life is in the dumps because Avery is not the best sleeper. It is bad enough for me but I'm sure the husband is not too impressed either. He does his best not to complain though and I love him for it. We sneak in quickies when we can, usually to the romantic buzzing sounds of a baby monitor.

I'm not looking forward to going back to work at the end of July. I am really going to miss being at home with my boobah. Luckily, my girlfriend who lives right next door has agreed to look after Avery when I go back so that will make it easier. I do like my job as well and I'm sure it will be nice to get back into grownup land again.

Avery is still sleeping in our bed which gives us the advantage of sleeping in until 9am every morning. She wakes up at 7:30am, I stick a boob in her mouth and we all go back to sleep. I'm slowly trying to wean but the thought of completely stopping the breastfeeding breaks my heart so I'm going to nurse her at night only when I go back to work. Also, shes not too keen on the solid foods right now and has disgusting green mucky poop when she eats them.

This is the best I could do for now. I hate to spend her entire short nap just doing this. I've got 8 months worth of magazines to read!

Will post again soon. (I promise this time...though I'm pretty sure I have a very small audience. Hi Teh Mommeh!)


Wednesday, March 05, 2008

from the frontlines...

I'm still here!

Will be updating soon....