Wednesday, October 11, 2006

The Money Pit

They certainly are piling on the work at my new job now. I’m actually finding things a little stressful today, but this could be because of a combination of things. Running home at lunch to let Charlie out and then worrying about him in his crate all alone all day is no fun. It’s a good thing he only has to do this four days a month. He actually has a cold. He woke us up around 5:00am the other morning coughing his little lungs out. I assumed he was choking on something and proceeded to freak out but my husband took a look down his throat and didn’t see anything. It’s nice having an emergency services worker around the house. Anyway, I took the morning off of work and took him to the vet. A virus and a small infection in his eyes, hence the green goo coming out of them. Lovely. So he has eye drops now and I don’t have to worry about him. Apparently he picked up the bug from puppy class. I swear he is just like a kid some days.

As for the wedding shower fiasco, I ended up not doing anything. One of the bride-to-be’s friends finally stepped up to do something. Unfortunately, I have to attend this little function which means I have to get a gift for her. It is absolutely hilarious because I do not know a thing about her. This wedding is costing us a fortune. My husband had to drop $650 on a new suit (though he does look extremely yummy in it), we have to pay for doggy daycare, a hotel room, new shoes for me, a wedding gift, a shower gift (grrrr) and to top it all off, they had to borrow $5000 from us to help fund this matrimonial monster. Yeah, I was not too impressed with that. But hey, it’s family right? You would assume that we would get a thank you from her. No. She has not even called to say thanks. My brother in law has told us he will pay us back in the next week as soon as he gets his line of credit. My husband tells me not to worry because he knows we’ll get the money back. I figure, if you can’t afford it, you shouldn’t have it. Obviously this wedding is too expensive for them, and they haven’t even paid for a honeymoon yet.

Weddings are nothing but an inconvenience for everyone involved. This is why my husband and I ran off to Mexico alone to do it. It was beautiful, romantic and CHEAP! Instead of blowing stupid amounts of money on a wedding, we bought a house. I wouldn’t have done a thing differently.

Alright, enough about that. I’ll worry about the impending nuclear war for a little while instead.

Office Girl


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