We saw our pediatrician today, who had the results of the x-ray on Avery. It turns out Avery has a HUGE blockage of poop in her colon. I was in tears. How long has she been suffering with this? How many times did I go to our stupid family doctor only to be told that it was normal constipation from solid foods? I am ALWAYS going to listen to my momtuition from now on and not take any shit from doctors. Pardon the pun.
Avery is now taking a stool softener/laxative to "gently" coerce the lump out of her poor little body. I expect I will have a new baby in a week or two. For now, I am on poop watch. This could get messy.
Avery is now taking a stool softener/laxative to "gently" coerce the lump out of her poor little body. I expect I will have a new baby in a week or two. For now, I am on poop watch. This could get messy.
Labels: Avery, food issues, poop issues
God. Incompetent doctors are the worst. I hope poop watch passes without too messy of an incident!
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