Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Countdown to Meltdown

I've been dragging my ass since I got back from my vacation. At first I thought it was because I was adjusting to the cold and getting up early everyday again.

It's been weeks since I have been back and I am not getting better. I think I know what it is now. I hate my job. Actually, I don't hate what I do, I hate the people I have to work with.

Something happened to me yesterday in the early afternoon. I started getting into a bad mood, and I mean a really bad mood. I have not felt like that in years. Generally, I am pretty easy going and happy, rarely do I get in foul states of mind.

I think it started with my girlfriend at work here. She is the only person I truly like and we get along really well. She's been taking a lot of abuse from MegaBitch, and yesterday she had sort of a breakdown. MB is making my friend's life at work miserable. Nothing is being done about this woman and it is infuriating me. She has caused 2 people to quit and my friend is on her way out because she can't take it anymore.

Then, my boss, who is generally miserable and very caustic got on my nerves. Instead of directing people (i.e. me) by saying things like: "When you get a chance, could you..." or "Would you please have this research done by this afternoon..." She will come over to my desk, put some papers down in front of me and say "You need to make copies of this and put it on the website right away."

I need to.

Everything is a priority to this woman. I respected that in the beginning because, obviously, shit needs to get done; until I realized that most of the time she is just talking out of her ass. The reason I know this? She forgets what she tells me to do, she never follows up, and when I complete the "priority" task, she says "Oh, you didn't need to rush on that."

Every time.

She also has a habit of waiting to the last minute for everything, and then dumping it on me. Yesterday was no exception. At the end of the day, my head was pounding, my shoulders were in knots and I couldn't wait to get the hell out. When I got home, all I could do was lie on the couch and stare mindlessly at the television. I went to bed early to get some extra sleep, but to no avail.

This morning I felt like I was dragging myself in here again. Why can I not find a fucking job that I like where I can work with decent people? Why is this so difficult?


Office Girl.


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