Wednesday, February 08, 2006

C U Next Tuesday


Otherwise known as MB in my blogs. I have written about this woman for a long time now because she is honestly the worst, most irritating person I have ever met. Today MB decided to come in to work even though she has one of the worst colds ever. She is currently coughing her ass off and spreading her germs to the rest of us. I have no idea what posessed me to do so, but this morning I actually asked her if she was feeling better. She just looked at me with her shrivelled-up old leather handbag face and said "no" in the bitchiest tone EVER. I hate you MB and I want you to die. I am not going to be nice to you anymore.

The fact that I have to put up with her bullshit day in and day out in this office is ridiculous. Everyone, and I mean everyone, including the boss, walks on eggshells around her. Why? No idea. If I were her manager, her ass would have been gone long ago.

The rage....the rage.......

I have to think of a creative and office-appropriate way to ruin her work days. Simply writing about doesn't seem to do the trick anymore.

She is coughing again. I want to go over there and throw some cough drops down onto her desk and say:

"Here. Suck on this and shut the fuck up. I'm trying to work, bitch."

How the hell can she be such a complete asshole everyday of her life? This would require quite a bit of energy you would think. How the fuck does she get away with this?

I have to stop. I am getting angrier and angrier now.

Serenity now!!!!!!

Office Girl.


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